On Monday, January 15, 2024, we are commemorating Rev. Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s 95th birthday had not an assassination bullet ended his life on April 4, 1968.

Dr. King, the leader of the civil rights movement achieved so much in his short life of 39 years, despite being beaten, jailed, and held back because of the color of his skin. He fought for equality, justice and civil rights, and he had the support of blacks and whites marching to peacefully protest the wrongs they saw.

This will be the first year his last sibling, Dr. Christine King Farris will not be here to help honor her brother at the annual event honoring his birthday. She was faithful until the end when she passed June 29, 2023, at age 95.
The last true King survivor of this era is Christine and Martin’s sister-n-law, Dr. Naomi Ruth Barber King, age 92, who was married to their brother, Rev. Dr. A.D. King. He is still honored by his A.D. King Foundation with an annual event in November along with her Birthday celebration.

Dr. King’s children and only grandchild continue to travel throughout the world sharing their father/grandfather true legacy which will never be forgotten. They want everyone to remember to love one another and come together to be productive.

In Atlanta, Georgia, at Dr. King’s birthplace, many will gather to visit his birth home which was almost destroyed by fire in December 2023. Many will visit the area where he preached at Ebenezer Baptist Church and many will visit the site where Dr. King and his wife, Coretta Scott King are resting eternally.
I will do whatever I can to hold onto the legacy he left behind and to share this with others. We have to remember, never sit down in this life, always get up and make our society a better place to live especially for you and your children.

All Photos are courtesy of Renee Sudderth
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