Thank you so much for taking time for this interview! Before we dig in, a HUGE congrats on your first book “What If It Were Easy”. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path and how it led you to write a book?
Thank you. It certainly has been a journey. I was passionate about mindset and self-improvement my whole life, but I really started studying it to help me deal with all of the rejection you get in the entertainment industry. I am positive all of those mindset tools helped me book jobs including my first big one as Lucy Cooper Spaulding on Guiding Light. After years of being on that show I decided to leave and open myself up to other roles. However, after I left Guiding Light, I had a terrible case of the Imposter Syndrome. I became overwhelmed by the fear that people would realize I didn’t know how to act, and I would lose everything. Well, I embodied that belief and after 1 ½ years I didn’t get a single job and was on the brink of losing everything! So, I started running and using mindset tools like visualization, powerful questions, and affirmations. Within 3 weeks I booked a national commercial and 3 months later I got the call to play Psycho Nurse Barbara on One Life to Live. (I’m not psycho by the way☺ )
Years later, I became a coach and one day, while I was running on a treadmill, I came up with the idea of Moticise, which is the combination of movement and mindset. I researched the idea and learned how powerful exercise was for the brain. It helps you be more creative, focused, motivated, and confident. It certainly helped me in my acting career and now as I started integrating Moticise with my clients and getting excellent results. That’s when I decided to write the book. I wanted a way to make the concept of Moticise accessible to more people. It is such a powerful tool to help people accomplish goals and get moving too.
What inspires you?
I am truly inspired by people overcoming fears and doubts and going for what they really want. That is why I LOVE what I do. I will literally jump up and down when my clients do something hard, scary, or out of their comfort zone. I believe so much in what everyone is capable of and yet I understand what it’s like to doubt that. Which is also why I appreciate how much support and guidance can make a difference in helping someone achieve their greatest potential. Ultimately, I think when we are living our happiest and most fulfilled lives, the world is a better place and that gets me out of bed in the morning.
Are you working on any other exciting new projects? What is next for you?
I have two acting projects coming up. The first is a small part in a Netflix miniseries coming out in May. The second is a women’s ice hockey movie called ”Gretzky’s Office” which should be out in the summer.
As for my Coaching business, I am launching several programs over the next few months. I’ll also have multiple speaking engagements and I’ll be a guest presenter at a Red Bird House Retreat Center on May 18th.
Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
I really believe it takes a village for any success to happen. There are so many people who have helped me along the way that I am deeply grateful for. With that said, my mother was an extremely important person in my life. I absolutely get my adventurous spirit from her. And she is a big fan of exercise. At 92 she still walks daily, goes folk dancing, and maintains a hiking trail.
I always joke because there was one day when she was frustrated because I kept procrastinating on my homework. She said, “If you exercised your mind as much as your body, you would be a very balanced person.” Apparently, I took that to heart since years later, I created Moticise- an equal balance and integration of mind and body!!

From your experience, what are a few ideas that we can use to effectively offer support to others who want to work in the entertainment industry (acting and author).
First, decide you are all in. Really commit to going for your dream. Get clear on what you want and be open for what opportunities come to you. Visualize your success, take lots of action, and get support. There will be challenges and it’s important to have people who believe in your and will encourage you to keep going when you may not feel it yourself. Keep growing personally and do other things that bring you pleasure. Business of any kind can be all consuming and we have to remember to live our full lives too!
Can you please give us your favorite ”Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
“It is in your moments of decision, that your destiny is shaped.” Tony Robbins I think of this quote often as I believe it is so true. We are always faced with decisions, and we often know which decision is best for us in that moment and yet habits, doubts and fears can creep in and override that great decision. When I’m wavering between a strong decision and a lesser, more familiar one….I think of this quote. And follow with What destiny do I really want? Unless I’m just being stubborn and resistant, it usually works!

What message would you like people to take away from your book?
The message I truly want to impart based on all of my experience in acting, coaching and my book is to step into possibility, to know that when you combine your mind, body and emotion you really can achieve remarkable things. I share lots of personal stories as well as client’s journeys in my book to demonstrate how this is accessible for everyone. You do deserve to be happy and healthy and live the life that you truly want and YOU CAN DO IT!!
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