It’s not to late to get your entry in for the 2nd Annual Halloween Boat Parade October 28th 2023 8 P.M.
Real and It’s SPOOKTACULAR: The 2nd Annual Halloween Boat Parade takes place this coming Saturday, October 28th at 8:00pm in Marina del Rey Harbor. Boaters, Captains, Boating Organizations and Crews should SIGN UP NOW at http://WWW.halloweenboatparde.com Click on the Email to receive your Official Parade Entry Number!
The Halloween Boat Parade is a Maritime “Trick or Treat” in MdR with this year’s theme being “Hola Halloween!”

Easily, THE MOST “SPOOKTACULAR” BOATING EVENT OF THE YEAR, once again, the Southern California Boating Community comes together for the 2nd Annual Halloween Boat Parade. Last Year’s Halloween Boat Parade was the Party of the year. For 2023, we WELCOME boaters and watercraft of all shapes and sizes and our Grand Marshal, KTLA-5’s own Kirk Hawkins. Remember Captains… its Halloween, so the SPOOKIER your boat looks, the Better. Prizes and Merch for Best in Show and Best Costume! Channel your inner-goblin and prepare for a wild night of fun on the water. Release your inner Pirate and dress in your Favorite Halloween Costume to Make Your Boat the talk of the Season! Go to the Spirt of Halloween Store in MdR for the best selection.
Event History: The First Annual Halloween Boat Parade was a fabulous, family-friendly boating event for kids of all ages. Decorated boats were all aglow as enthusiastic fans watched from the shore. For 2023, a good time will be had by all… It’s Halloween! Entrants circle the main channel in Marina Del Rey and make their way through the various Harbor Basins!
More About This Family-Friendly and Fun Evening and Event: The 2nd Annual Halloween Boat Parade will be a SENSATION. We look forward to having all the fabulous Southern California sailing organizations, boating organizations, restaurants, businesses, Yacht Clubs and creative Hollywood Community put their best Boat forward.
Boaters… Hoist your sails, crank your engines, gas-up your generators, light ’em up and move ’em out! Go online and email the Halloween Boat Parade Committee to receive your Official Entry Number.

Featuring the 2023 Grand Marshal, KTLA-5’s own Kirk Hawkins the Halloween Boat Parade supports the Spirit Halloween Stores #spirithalloweenstores and their #spiritofchilden program which has raised over $1.5 Million nationally during the course of the campaign.
It’s so easy to Donate, too… Just go to the Spirit Halloween Store on Maxella and also in Westchester located at Spirit Halloween | 13450 Maxella Ave MdR 90292 and online at https://www.spirithalloween.com/ Visit the Website for Deals | 20% Off 1 Item – Use Code twentyoff | BOGO 50% Select Décor – Use Code BOGO50

Tag us at #2ndannualhalloweenboatparade #halloweenboatparade #spiritofchildren and #spirithalloweenstore and #halloweenboatparade @halloweenboatparade
A Special Thank You Thank You to Tony P’s Dockside Grill, Pardee Properties, Kirk Hawkins and Captain Rick Horner from The Boating Hour Radio Show #theboatinghourwithcaptainrick on AM870 Saturday’s at 4:00pm. View all photos from Halloween Boat Parade on Partyby5.com
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