Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?
Absolutely. I have many unique experiences in the entertainment industry that have been what I like to call God taking me from ‘Glory to Glory’! When I was in high school I won “Miss Personality” in Hal Jackson’s Talented Teens Pageant in New York which was a huge deal at that time. For context, Jada Pinkett Smith is also an alum of the pageant. When receiving my trophy, I was kissed by a member of the group Boyz II Men, who were the top musical artists at that time. It was like a dream. I have so many fun pageant moments where I usually won “Miss Congeniality” among my peers. That taught me something very important. It instilled in me that you can be competitive, pursue your dreams and still be kind to others at the same time. I also worked at Walt Disney World as a VIP Tour Guide, at the Grand Canyon as a Tour Guide, and won numerous speaking competitions, which helped me hone my skills as a media personality and entertainment host. To date, I have interviewed more than 200 celebrities ranging from Oscar and Golden Globe winners, to Emmy, Tony, and Grammy Award-winning artists.
Can you share the most interesting case/story that happened to you since you became an entertainer/host?
I believe the most interesting thing that has happened to me since becoming an entertainment host is realizing that dreams do come true. I never would have guessed that I would have been privy to experience even half of the things that I have been afforded an opportunity to experience in this town. I also have a different view of the industry since I have been in it. I see now that celebrities are just people and more than anything they want others to treat them like a regular human and not as some crazed fan. I remember one time covering the red carpet for a Debbie Allen event in Beverly Hills and her sister Phylicia Rashad came to support her. She told the press she was not doing interviews. My late grandmother’s adopted daughter was Rashad’s college roommate. I shared the lady’s name and that I was from Greenville, Mississippi, where the former roommate resides, and Rashad granted me an exclusive interview. I’ve also interviewed Debbie Allen, Norm Nixon and their daughter Vivian Nixon. I am grateful to be a protege of one of Debbie Allen’s former publicists, Lauren Tobin of Panther PR, who is the daughter of the late public relations guru Pat Tobin. Through Tobin, I have been afforded media coverage opportunities that I would have otherwise not been privy to. For the record, I am immensely grateful to her.

Can you tell us more about what inspires your charitable efforts?
My late grandmother always taught me that charity begins at home, and she was a philanthropist and humanitarian. Between her and my mom, who does a lot of community service work, service and giving back has been instilled in me throughout my life. I love being a vessel helping others and lending a helping hand whenever and wherever I can. Over the years, I have volunteered with Make-A-Wish, The Salvation Army, The United Way, March of Dimes, Kiwanis International, Hosea Feed The Hungry and Homeless, and the American Red Cross, to name a few. I volunteer weekly in the local Los Angeles community and serve as a marketing volunteer providing media for various nonprofits. I provide needed resources and help others who are trying to segway into the media or entertainment industry. What inspires me most is thinking about all of the people who have helped me to get to where I am today and wanting to give back as a measure of gratitude for what has been given to me. I stand by that old saying if you’ve made it, send the elevator back down. My motto is, “If you’re not reaching back to help anyone, then you’re not building a legacy.”
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
Quite frankly, there are countless people who have invested time, money, and resources into helping me to get to where I am today. From making a simple phone call using their influence to catapult my career, or including me in their project as a walk-on talent, or providing scholarships or job opportunities, the list is long as to the many individuals who have made a huge difference on this journey. I’m not going to call out anybody, but what I will say is without each of them, I would not be who I am today, or where I am today, and for that I am so very grateful.
What is your favorite ”Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant or have you applied it to you in your life?
My favorite “Life Lesson Quote” is one of my own. It goes, “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a different direction.” Many people are sitting around waiting for an opportunity to come to them, waiting on somebody else to validate them or put them on. Do it yourself. You have the talent, skills, resources, personality, and drive needed to change course. Make it happen. Even if it’s not popular, or not approved by your circle of friends, do it anyway. Surprise yourself. Stop complaining as to the reason why it won’t work and take action. Don’t settle where you are and let things end at a no. Set goals and conquer them. Move steadfast in the direction of your dreams, keep a “can do” attitude, and above all else, do what makes you happy and proud to be you – a unique individual. NEVER underestimate YOUR OWN POWER.
What is the best way for our readers to follow you online?
The Splash audience can follow me on social media @germanykent.

What are you working on next? What is next on the agenda?
Currently, I am working on a follow-up to my last critically-acclaimed book, You Are What You Tweet. I contributed the foreword and have also been promoting an anti-bullying book called Women of Faith: Their Untold Story Teen Edition that takes a closer look at Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention. As an anti-bullying advocate, I work to bring awareness to this cause with hopes that more people will be able to combat the epidemic.
I also work behind the scenes to empower women and young ladies through various outreach missions, and as a mentor. Next on the agenda is a documentary on LA’s homelessness crisis, and a new promotional deal where I am in talks to be a national spokesperson. In addition to serving as the founder and executive of my own media company, I just finished serving as the chief media and public relations officer at Najah Roberts.com and the Crypto Blockchain Plug, a subsidiary of Najah Roberts Enterprises. In that capacity, I worked tirelessly to secure publicity and sponsors for Najah Roberts branches with lots of media coverage and measurable deliverables on radio, television, and print media.
Recently, I managed the line producer for Roberts radio show Ahead of the Crypto Curve that airs on Tavis Smiley’s KBLA Talk 1580 radio station, and contributed to press and programming content. I was also successful at securing media for The Black Wall Street, an app that Roberts co-founded with actor Hill Harper. For the Najah Roberts brand, I helped to secure celebrity endorsements and facilitated major media placements. In recent weeks, Billionaire and artist Jay-Z just signed on to back Roberts in an exclusive deal for her to teach bitcoin and economic literacy to residents in the Marcy Housing Projects in Brooklyn.
Over the years, I’ve had great success in bridging the gap between Hollywood and the hood working closely with name talent to bring attention to the wealth gap that exists among communities of color. I have worked to foster and facilitate more Black celebrity giving back volunteer efforts bridging the gap between the artistic community, social impact and philanthropy. To this mission, I continue to spotlight the achievements of Blacks in entertainment through portals supporting and including, but not limited to, Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC), and EURweb, one of the largest Black online outlets covering Black news and culture.
As a former FOX News anchor and TV/radio personality, I’m also eager and waiting on the perfect opportunity to join an amazing production team as an anchor, talk show host and or radio personality in Southern California. One year from now, things will be much different – I’m asking God for big things and I’m expecting BIG things, and hope to collaborate with some other writers and producers on more faith-based projects. I am also working with several nonprofits to increase volunteerism globally. Cheers to positive forward movement.
Thank you, Germany
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