Look at the wonderful offerings that are now graciously offered by Otherworld Online – a host of selections in high quality digital format from their live theater to binge online at binge online.
Stupid Shakespeare Company’s PickleRicickles because of the Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately, closed early . It can now be seen by subscription on Patreon. Fans rejoice: You Tube, Twitch, and Facebook are also including brand new company stage productions, comedy sketches, stand-up, and dark, doom, gloom dramatic readings. There is everything from farcical Hobbits in “The Nerdy Nosh” making Lembas Bread, Out On A Whim’s Improvised Dungeons and Dragons tales, to a reading of Edgar Allen Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death by Nathan Randall Miller, OTW’s Artistic Associate. Warning: Perhaps a tale, too portent, to our current climate.
Tiffany Keane Schaefer, founder and Artistic Director, of Otherworld Theatre Company, in 2012 identified with Sci-Fi heroes growing up. She found solace reading Science Fiction because the characters were also outsiders in their own communities. She embraces this fiction and shares it with the world so that we can all learn how to deal with the monsters in our own lives through story telling diplomacy. All mainstage tickets are pay-what-you-can, allowing for a diverse patronage. The stated mission of OTC, a non-profit arts organization, is to bring theatrical experience to the science fiction and fantasy genres. During this time of shelter-in-place orders Tiffany states: “The team has been working around the clock to bring genre stories to the digital platform. It’s been the silver lining to see folx from all over the world watch and appreciate our content.”
Lana Whittington, Resident Fight Director relates that: “I think now more than ever people need the arts to be able to escape reality for just a little while. I think it is so great that Otherworld is giving people the opportunity to see live theater in their home during this time.”
Dylan Schaefer, Director of Development, believes: “Given Otherworld’s unique positioning within the theater arts landscape, we have always viewed digital content as an important way to share our Science Fiction and Fantasy programming with fans near and far. We never quite invested the time and energy needed to build the robust digital platform as we have always wanted to, but the current situation has — shall we say — given us a fresh perspective. Luckily, we made the decision years ago to video record as much as we could and establish a digital infrastructure using YouTube, Patreon, Facebook, and Twitter. While this is the first time those platforms are being used to their full potential, those early decisions and investments have given us a head start in publishing content and developing an online programming schedule. From a development perspective, my hope is that our online programming will generate a much higher number of enthusiastic online patrons and donors who might otherwise never be able to experience an Otherworld production.”
Sam Thomas, Director of Marketing, supports bringing this entertainment to digital platform and says: “I have only been a company member with Otherworld Theatre Company for a short time. However, in that time I’ve been perpetually inspired by my compatriots. Everyone at Otherworld strove to bring the best possible geek-tastic entertainment to our patrons before we were forced to close our doors. Instead of the mandated closure being a huge blow to the company’s spirit, it has served as a catalyst for all of us to think even further outside of the box. Taking to the internet with our collective creative energy has been scary and a little intimidating but mostly it has served as a really inspiring time to be a part of the company.”
Please check them out online until they are able to return to their two-stage facility at 3914 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: (773) 857-2116
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