photo credit Partyby5
Yacht Clubs win big in this years Marina Del Rey Holiday Boat Parade! The 57th Annual MDR Holiday Boat Parade was held Saturday December 14th, 2019 in the Marina Del Rey Channel. The parade led out with a Big Bang of continuous fireworks promptly at 5:55pm. The parade theme was “Kids Make Holidays Bright” with over 70 boats in the parade this year.
Best Overall #11 Pau Hana – Pacifc Mariners Yacht Club. This themed boat represented all the Disney characters on a “Polar Express” train blowing steam, pulling 5 dingy cars. Incredible float.

photo credit Venice Paparazzi
Best Yacht Club #32 El Patron – Marina Yacht Club. Marina Yacht Club 2020 Commodore Melanie Emde & MYC Port Captain Bill Emde generously offered their boat to represent the club in the parade. MYC yacht club invited kids from the Boys and Girls Club of Monterey Park East LA, accompanied by their director and incoming yacht club member, Kurtis Sundblom to participate in the boat entry. Some of these children had never experienced being on a boat and had a wonderful time. There was laughter, dancing and cheering! Kids Make Holidays Bright!

photo credit Venice Paparazzi
MYC Commodore Melanie Emde hosted a boat decorating party the week before the event so that all yacht club members and guests could participate. Vice Commodore Shari Sellers, owner of Andrew’s Cheese Shop located at 728 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica, donated a delicious cheeseboard and Staff Commodore Gisele Ozeri owner of Partyby5 sent in half a case of “Le’ Courtage Champagne” for the 21+ members to celebrate with a toast after the completion of the float. The decorating party was somewhat like the movie “Christmas Vacation” with the ending drum roll for the finale of the official lighting. The Emde’s are from Petaluma California, newbies to the Marina del Rey boating community and were welcomed with a Big Bang!

photo credit Partyby5.com
Visit the official website for MDR Holiday Boat Parade to view all winners. Other winners include Best Power #4 Love the Journey , Best Sail #21 Ellis Island II, Best Individual #25 Weekend Hooker, Best Organization #34 Harmony (WSA), Best Charter #57 Tiki Too, Best Theme 1st Place #16 Morning Dew, 2nd Place #41 Jambo, Best Music 1st Place #44 Reyna Del Mar, 2nd Place #37 Boundless, Best Spirit 1st Place #62 Sea Horse, 2nd Place #2 Katrina, Best Band 1st place #17 Phish Tales, 2nd Place #43 Lolita, Best Lights 1st Place #69 Francesca, 2nd Place #3 Eliza, Best Animation 1st Place #48 Trinity, 2nd Place #6 Primal.

Hoisting burgees representing all of the yacht clubs in the South Bay
photo credit Partyby5.com
Special thanks to Board of Director, President Kelly King, Vice President Lowell Safier, and Director Melanie Williams for continuously coming up with such generous gifts for the winners.Photos courtesy of Partyby5 and Venicepaparazzi. Follow @partyby5 @mycmcc @shooterdiva
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