Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey may have taken its tent down forever, but the Circus has come to town — well actually to the strip. CIRCUS 1903 a grand production at Paris Las Vegas in Las Vegas does the circus proud with aerial acrobats, the fastest juggler I’ve ever seen, high wire balancing, and the piece de resistance – two amazing mechanical elephants that will win your heart.

Grab your popcorn at the snack bar and settle in as the technologically simulated tent is raised in a well choreographed number with some of the 19 cast members dressed circa 1903.

The ringmaster – Willy Whipsnade – keeps things moving and provides some delightful comic relief with kids from the audience complete with some old fashioned slight of hand magic. And what a pleasure to see the ringmaster portrayed by a performer – David Williamson – who is on my side of 50!

This is as close to a real circus as we we will see in Las Vegas. It isn’t a Cirque de Soleil production. It is a circus. The scenery gives us the illusion of the big top. The performers, most gathered from first class productions in Europe are literally at the top of their game. Remember those high flying acts. There they are.

And a young female contortionist who amazes the audience with her agility. And snake charmers, and a man on stilts. Nostalgic thoughts going through your head now?

A highlight of the show which everyone will be talking about happens when the two mechanical elephants come on stage. The baby – Peanut – will win your heart. So believable. They were created by the award winning puppeteers from Broadway’s War Horse.

Remember the old days of the circus, when one guy jumped on one end of the seesaw and propelled the other up high into the air? Well, you can see it again. AND there’s a side show called Wild, Weird and Wonderful. And it is, but more than that, it is a nostalgic, delightful, fun time.

I chatted with 13 year old Dayton Costa after the show and solicited his opinion. “Amazing” he said. There you have it. Take the grandkids, take the kids, borrow some kids, or just reconnect with the kid inside you as you see Circus 1903 in the Paris Theater at Paris Las Vegas. Show is nightly at 7 except Mondays with 3 p.m. matinees Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Tickets may be purchased online at Circus 1903, by phone at 702-777-2782 or by visiting the Paris box office. For more information, visit Circus 1903 and connect with the show onTwitter, Instagram and Facebook – @Circus1903.
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